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Oh, say can you see...the political power of language, no matter what you believe

I was stunned and delighted to hear this morning on NPR that there is a new Spanish-Language version of the National Anthem that has been released.

(I've linked to the story, but please note, I only heard the teaser and haven't been able to hear the whole thing yet myself.)

How awesome, I thought, and what a wonderful and hopeful thing to do! Won't it be amazing when someday people don't judge what language a person chooses to speak or sing as representative of the summation of their value to a country?

Well, I also thought, Bush won't let that go without a comment...

Didn't have long to wait.


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As Ian would say, what a coincidence! I heard this story on Day to Day (NPR) on my drive home today, and exploded in the door ranting about Bush's reaction to the anthem. God forbid anyone should be multilingual! Isn't this the same president who CAMPAIGNED on platforms friendly to Latinos and gave parts of his speeches in SPANISH?? Insulting, offensive, and ignorant!

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